Our 22nd Mega-Meeting has been changed to a virtual meeting on ZOOM. It is sponsored by these five professional Supply Chain organizations and hosted by the ISM Philadelphia chapter. Learn more about upcoming events and what these groups are all about.

Institute for Supply Management – Philadelphia
CSCMP-Philadelphia Roundtable
Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals Philadelphia Roundtable
ASCM Philadelphia
Philadelphia Area Network Chapter of ASCM
The Traffic Club of Philadelphia
Warehousing Education and Research Council
Thomas Derry, Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Supply Chain Management (ISM)
Keynote Speaker:
Thomas W. Derry has been Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) in Tempe, Arizona since 2012. ISM is a not-for-profit organization with more than 45,000 members worldwide. ISM delivers market intelligence, certification, training, and professional development to the global market of procurement and supply chain management professionals. Tom has a unique vantage point to observe major macroeconomic trends and the development of global supply chains through his daily contact with Fortune 500 chief procurement officers and chief supply chain officers, with government agencies and NGOs in the United States and abroad, and with leading academics.
Tom has been interviewed on CNBC, Bloomberg Television, quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and dozens of other business publications. He has represented ISM in meetings with the White House Council of Economic Advisers, the National Security Council, the Federal Reserve System Board of Governors, and the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Prior to joining ISM, Derry spent nine years with the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP), a US$23 million professional association serving 17,000 corporate treasury and finance professionals. Prior to AFP, Tom was general manager of the LexisNexis business intelligence group headquartered in New Providence, NJ.
He holds a BS degree in foreign relations from Georgetown University.
Topic: Supply Unchained: A Look at How We Got Ourselves in This Mess and How We Will Get Out of It”.
Our supply chain teams have been put to the test during this pandemic of 2020 and 2021. It has been a trying time in which we had to apply new learnings to deal with capacity issues, shortages, and the unknown. Supply Chain has now become a household word. The question now is what 2022 and beyond holds for our field.
Tom Derry will explain how we arrived here and what has to be done to get us out it in 2022 by using ISM’s data. It is generally regarded as the most important U.S. leading economic indicator. It’s best known as the inventor and publisher of the PMI® index as part of its monthly Report On Business®. The manufacturing PMI® and the NMI® for the services sector are closely followed by governments and in capital markets as a “Leading Indicator of Global Economic Conditions.”
Plus he will cover the importance of certification, why it matters, what it says about the current state of our profession (and how the profession is evolving).
Date: Wednesday October 6, 2021
Cost: $0 Members, $5 Non-Members
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Monday October 4th, 2021 by Noon
Event Times: 7pm-845pm
7:00 Welcome
7:05 Organization Announcements
7:20 Speaker Introduction
7:25 Speaker Presentation (45 minutes)
8:10 Q&A via Chatbox
8:20 Break Out Sessions
8:40 Closing Comments
8:45 Adjourn
The student supply chain organizations of Temple and Drexel Universities along with the Traffic Club of The Lehigh Valley will be joining us as our guests.
Our Mini-Mega Meeting is scheduled to be IN-Person on March 9, 2022. More details TBA.
Zoom Conference System Information:
This Zoom meeting is being hosted by the ISM-Philadelphia chapter on behalf of the five Mega Meeting organizations. Please register using the supply chain organization with which you are associated. You will receive a confirmation receipt via email. The Zoom meeting link will be sent 24 hours in advance.--In order to join via your computer or via the Zoom App, please download WWW.ZOOM.US/DOWNLOAD. Please arrive 10 minutes in advance of the start of the meeting, so the Host can let you in.